I'm Karen and as you may know, I'm married to a white guy and live in a typical neighborhood where many other white couples live across the US. My little adventure begins with another white wife in our neighborhood named Maria.

Maria is married to a white guy, has a nice house and drives a little compact car like most typical white housewives. Maria's husband is a very typical man that sells insurance and Maria works in our local bank. Maybe you've seen her at the drive-in window?

Maria is 5'6" tall and has dark red hair. Loves wearing red nail polish and you can see her large diamond wedding ring glistening in the sun light when you see her at the bank.

One day, I drove through the window to withdrawal a little money and couldn't figure out why Maria was starring at me so strangely. Well, until I remembered that I had Dan siting next to me. You see, Dan is one of my regular black lovers and Maria knows my husband.

Well, the next day I got a phone call from Maria asking, who the handsome black stud was I had in the car. She wanted to know what was going on and did my husband was aware of him I had a little explaining to do so I invited Maria over for coffee one morning on her day off.

We had a long conversation that morning and drank two pots of coffee before I was able to explain who Dan was and why he was riding in my car that morning.

I told her everything! Yes! The whole story! Yes, she was shocked but at the same time she wanted to know more about it. That is, how it felt to screw a black man and how large was his cock and if he was a better lover than my husband.

I explained to Maria how much different it was to screw another man. I explained to her how it felt screwing a black man and having my husband participate. This is what she didn't understand, how could my husband allow me to screw other men.

After spending much time explaining to Maria, how much white, husbands' are aroused about the thought of their wife screwing another man, a black man. She became much more curious and I could tell that she really wanted to give it a try.

(To Be Continued)