I met Windell on Dark Cavern and he (unlike most guys who write me here on Dark Cavern) was very forthcoming with his travel plans and cellphone number. I was even able to talk to him (not an answering device) about our upcoming date. I wish all were like him as it made hooking-up so much easier. You guys out there who may be coming to the Phoenix area could take a lesson from this man. I'm not here to get you in trouble with your wife/girlfriend, I just want to have some nasty sex with you and send your black ass back home for her to wash and clean for you. I was so impressed with his desire to provide me the info I needed to schedule my time that I also hooked him up with my girlfriend Ann. She goes by ANNCANNDOO here on Dark Cavern. Anyway, we met at his hotel room and had hours of wonderful sex together. Here's some Pics for you to check out. Enjoy. Kisses. Lucy.

My email:

Windell's email: